No Really! What Did You Expect?

I stood beside, as you took the shine. Even when it's pleasure, there's something drastic of the measure; And in the end you bitch and whine,even when I'm not guilty of the crime.

I'm draining, Everytime I'm stuck here explaining; why your toxic and exterminating . I.Don't. Fucking. Care. But I better not dare, show the fair feelings, kept in my lair. you can halfy guess that, I never wanted your invest.and still. You come and cheer I'm the best.

Maybe you just want me to lie... So your ego can be out and on a rise. I know my safety was never a priority, greed from the pleasure is all I see in your eyes. this lack of control in my life makes me itch like I'm covered in hives. I just want to plead why?

Should I jump off a bridge? or should I punch that little kid? do you want me to fry beer battered fish? should I get on my knees and pray you no risk? should I pray I can't quit?could I just give up and submit? do I chant " YOU WIN! YOU WIN!" should I get on that chair just to jump off again? Would Death Be My Only Win?