
CHAPTER I: third year, first sem.

My name is lyndon. Lyndon Pagsiat. I am not a bad guy but i am not also a good guy. I think i am in between them. I always study the rules just to break them. Haha. I don't wear uniforms... And ID. Haha. I dont need them i can still enter the school though. So, i am in my third year of being a college. And yeah! Every year, we have issues of suicide. I don't know why but it doesn't bother me at all. They are not my relatives. Maybe they were just depressed and stressed that's why they committed suicide.

"Lyndon!" A girl's voice shouted my name at my back like 7 meters behind. I looked back and i saw zyralyn. Zyralyn pescasio but i used to call her zy. She's boyish and that makes me wander if she likes me or not but she is not my type, anyway. Haha.

"Yow! What's up?" I asked her when she got closed. She just tapped my shoulder "nothing! I just want you to wait for me, so, when mr. Bihasa get mad... He will get mad at us not just only to me." She laughed.

"Whatever!" I just replied then we contiued walking.


When we entered the classroom....

"What time is it, mr. Pagsiat and ms. Pescasio???" Mr. Bihasa asked us with a very strong voice. He is really mad at us but i am just laughing inside. I don't really care if he's mad at us. He's not gonna kill me anyway.

"We're sorry sir!" Zy apologized and i just look at her like i am asking why, but she just shrugged her shoulder.

"What?? You just said sorry? You two are always late and always saying sorry but you are not really sincere!" He is now shouting at us "you two take your seat before i do something that i will regret later!"

"Thank you, sir!" We both replied

"Will you two please shut the fuck up!" He is really pissed off. Hahaha. What's with this guy. He is always angry! He is mad at everyone. In fact, i can't remember a time that i saw him smiling. He doesn't smile.... At all.

I sat beside ronnel bersamina aka. Benny. He is my bestfriend. He is like a brother to me. We always do silly things together. Not to mention, he is crazy in love with Zyian. Zyian Rose Roque is the brainy type among us.

"What's up bro!" I greeted them. Them?? Right! Them. the guy beside him is rick. Rick jason pagaduan. He is like me. A rule breaker. Haha

"You're the man bro!" Benny responded

"Mr. Bersamina, can you share what you and mr. Pagsiat talking about?" Mr. Bihasa interrupted

"Oh! It's nothing sir!"

"Are you sure??"

"Yes sir!"

"Then, shut the fuck up! You're interrupting my fucking lesson! If you don't want to listen you can go fucking outside!" He shouted. Yeah! He is always like that. He love that word.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" A voice outside caught our attention. "A suicide! Suicide!"

"Huh!? Suicide?" Benny whispered then he ran outside to take a look.

Zyra's POV:

I followed benny outside then i saw a piece of paper that he just stepped into. I picked it up. I tried to read what is written there but i can't understand.

Suddenly, someone just grabbed my shoulder. "What is that, ms. Pescasio?"

"Oh god! Sir!" I am really shocked " I almost had an heart attack sir! Please, don't do it next time."

He took the paper, "what's this?"

"Don't know either"

"Cipher!" Zyian rose exclaimed. Oh! She was just listening to us. "Cipher is a way of changing a message to keep it secret."

"Very well explained! As expected to our number one in our batch! But the question is... Who did that cipher? And why?? I think, it is just a made up cipher. What is more important now is Stephen!" Said jeran, we didn't notice him behind us leaning on the wall. Jeran Gayanes is a type of person that doesn't usually talk nonsense. He always speak with sense.

"Stephen? What happened with stephen?" I asked.

"Look for your self!" He simply replied and pointing at stairs like he is saying that we should go downstairs. So, me, zyian and sir bihasa went down and got shocked for what we saw.

"Oh my gosh!" I just don't know what to say " Stephen?" We saw Stephen hanging. Zyian just cried.

"What the fuck!?" Said of our shocked professor. Most of our classmates are crying. But as we take stephen's body howell just saw something inside stephen's jacket.

"What is this?" Howell found a notebook. He opened the notebook but what we saw is his lectures. " This is his lecture notebook. Why is he carrying this?" Howell is our classmate. He wants to be a detective someday that is why he always act like a detetive.

Lyndon's POV

Yeah! There is something wrong. "Uhmmm, howell, may i borrow the notebook?"

"Yeah! Sure" He handed it over to me.

"What are you going to do with that?" Zy asked me

"I just don't feel good." I replied "This cannot be a suicide"

"Huh? How do you say so?"

"I can't find any reason for him to commit suicide."

"Maybe he was depressed and he just doesn't want to tell us."

"No! He is not like that! He will tell us every single problem that he has. That's how he sees us. A comfort. A family." I insisted. " So, there is no reason for him to commit suicide" Then a man just came in to get stephen's body.

" Wait! Where are you taking his body?" Trina asked the guy. Trina Quimora is our fastidious classmate. The guy just looked at her. "Aren't you gonna tell his parents? Aren't you gonna give his body to his family?" The guy looked at her but this time it is sharp.

"Trina! Stop it! Just let them do what they need to do" Nika asked trina. Nika is the supporting bestfriend of trina. She is always there for trina. She stopped and the guy continued to take stephen's body

"But the family of stephen... They need to know what happened." Trina insisted. I looked at her, i got struck by the word she just said. -they need to know what happened- 'what happened' that is the word that struck me. So, i came up with a plan. "Hey guys! I have a plan." Alright! I caught their attention.

"What's the plan?" Benny asked

"Do you believe that this is suicide? If you do then i don't think that you will like my plan. So, i want to ask you first. Do you believe that this is suicide?" Everyone said no.

"I agreed that this is no suicide" Howell added

" So, what's your plan?" Jeran asked

"We will investigate what really happened!" They all get shocked!

"How are we going to do that? We don't have any lead to start with." Howell complained

" Then we will start with that." I responded

" With what? " Zyian asked

" With getting some lead." I firmly said. " Be here at 7'o pm! Sharp! Don't be late guys!" And they all agreed.