I can use this chair

"Get a grip Lexi. So what if he is staring at you as if you are not worthy to be stared at, you are gorgeous you know. And there's a lot of people, he might be staring at someone else. But God! His face can already pass as a God! His angles are sharp, his lips are full..I bet it will feel good if I can lick that lips..And his eyes, deep, gray and inviting." Lexi mentally slapped her face. "Stop it! You have bills to pay and mouths to feed. Unnecessary feelings like this will just throw you off track. Just drink and be happy. No boys!" Then she smiled to mentally pat herself at the back. "Well said self". And chugged her beer.

You know when someone is staring and is really staring hard. That's what Lexi feels right now. She knows who, she just doesn't care but makes her a bit uncomfortable. She can feel the heat of the stare.

"Ladies, will just go to the restroom." Lexi is not drunk but her world spins for 10 seconds when she attempted to stand. "Whoa! I'll go with you" Anna offered. Lexi brushes Ana's hand, "No...No..I will be out for just 5-10 minutes.. Stay. That's just beer". She stood for 30 seconds and she can feel that her world stops spinning and the floor is now far from her face.

Alexander almost leaps from his chair when he saw her standing and almost falling. Mario looks at him. He felt the sudden jolt of Alexander's arm muscles. "What's the matter?" Mario looked around and expecting to see cameras flashing. "Nothing, I just saw something interesting. I think I am liking this bar, I might buy it". He jokingly laughs but still glancing on a figure who is slowly walking to their direction.

He tenses when he had a good look at the figure. Supple breast, petite but the curves are on the right places. He always admires dresses on women but he is not ready for this woman in simple jeans and white shirt. As she passes by, his eyes landed on her behind hugging the jeans around it. He immediately drinks his glass of wine. "I really like this bar" Alexander exclaimed and looked like he won something. Mario is not used to seeing Alexander smiling stupidly and muttering stupid things. Sure this bar is good but not as great as his Mile High Bar in New York. Something is up.

"Hey Babe!" Actor Stephen Cho approaches Lei and places his arm on her shoulder. " I am sure you know me. Care to join me in my hotel later? I mean this is an honor right?" Lei and Anna can smell the strong smell of whiskey on this man. "Mr. Cho, please go back to your table before we call security. This is a "safe" bar, they don't tolerate harassments like this." Anna looked straight to the actor's eye and sits in a way when she would like to intimidate her Supervisors.

"Shut up bitch!" grabs Lei by the hand and stands. "Dream on! I like her not you! You can keep on blabbering but I get what I want." Then pulls Lei for a kiss. A slap landed on the actor's face. Lei is fuming with rage. "Pervert! I don't care if you are an actor, you are not even good at it! Get Lost!"

Maybe because of the alcohol or because of the embarrassment, Stephen grabs Lei by the shoulder shakes her and spits words he would regret later on. "You little slut, touching you by me is an honor! "Bitch!" He was about to punch Lei but everything went so fast. Stephen is now on the floor, curling in pain. Someone hit him with a chair from the back. Everyone gasps in horror, while Alexander chuckles.

"Hey Asshole, don't talk to women like that. Have you forgotten that you have a mother? How will she feel if she heard you? Pervert. No one can just get whatever they want or else this is not earth, it should be called heaven. Idiot!" Lexi is now shouting while holding the wooden chair down after she forcibly swings it at the back of Stephen. "Ow! I am sorry I can't punch you, you see my hands are small, I just saw a chair and thought, Hey! I can use this chair..... Security!!" Lexi shouted.

But before security reaches her, three more men surround her. "Don't you know who this man is?" Said one man in black suit helping Stephen to stand. "Teach her a lesson" Stephen is winking in pain. One man, grabs Lei's hand from behind to pin her and the other one is about to punch her. She can't do anything but to close her eyes and to wait for the pain in her face. 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds...no pain yet. She opens her eyes and there.... just a breath away is a pair of grey eyes. "Are you alright miss?"