
"Ma, please..This will surely resolve all our money problems." Lexi is following her mother all around the house.

"I didn't tell you not to get the job. It is a good job but no..we will not move to the city." Ellie Min is now cooking for her kids and grand kids. She has a lot more of energy and feels years younger. She is happy that Lexi was offered a high paying job. This will really bust her confidence and the morale of the family

"But why Ma?!" Lexi is holding Carl while he sleeps.

"I am on treatment. I need fresh air and this place is closer the the hospital and I have grand kids here to keep me busy and it makes me happy. I can just be caged in your apartment." Her mother has a point. She just have to go home every week then and see Carl. She looks at her baby. He is beautiful. He resembles her father even when sleeping. She kisses him and she just found herself crying again.

"Come on!" Her mother drops whatever she is doing and gets Carl on her arm. "Stop it. You need to be strong for Carl. Don't let him see you crying. He can even feel if you are sad. You are his mother."

"I'm sorry Ma. I just remembered something." She remembers how he proposes to her. How her heart her life stops. She thought she was so lucky that she was just looking for fun and ends up looking for a love that she dreamt of lasting forever.

How stupid she feels now. She grew up learning that you need to work hard to get what you want. She should known better.

"It is fresh. But put that aside and start packing your things. You need to move then buy clothes. You said that ypu are now an executive so act and look like one." Her mother was never like this to her. She keeps on nagging her on her behavior but she is now supportive. Maybe because she has Carl now. She knows the pain and heartache she is going through.

She hugs her mother from behind.

"Don't you know that I love you old lady." Then she dashes to her room to pack her things.

Lexi is busy packing her things when her phone pings. She received a notification that a transfer of funds has been processed. Another pings, the schedule of the meeting is at C Company, her old company. She smiles. Maybe it is time for her to be social. She will surely see Anna and Lei. They don't know anything about what happened and about Carl. As for the protection and Carl, she will let it stay that way. The less people know Carl exists the less likely it will be out to Li's.

She is excited to see her friends. She wants to feel like her old self again.

She went back to the email of transfer of funds and her eyes went huge. She checks and her balance and she sees that she is a million richer. She felt like she will have a meeting with the devil. What on earth is she getting herself to. Or this is just really how they treat their excutives. This is just the clothing allowance.