The Dramatic Introduction for the Scarlet Death

Scarlet Death was upon them. It was almost as it had been waiting centuries for it's precious pray, Human & Canine kind was coming to an end, as all the felines were let astray, for it was the end of the world. Paranoia swept every little corner of the Earth, from the busy streets of New York to the dry empty deserts of Cairo. But one man had not feared the Scarlet Death but admired it. As before the Scarlet Death the locals had called him: mad, insane, or plain crazy. But to some a genius, for this man had adopted 10 different children, from 10 different countries all at the age of 21, now 38, and as handsome as he was, he was rarely seen with a single woman. For Doctor Damien Demayó focused on only two things, his work and his favorite child, his oldest child. He had taught the girl medicine from age four , she was basically taught to be the mother of all nine of them.Confined to the tiny spaces of their home, she studied the Viruses , and Bacteria of the world and when Damien came home he'd spoil her with his knowledge and his company, as for the others they would lie in bed together together but alone, some jealous of Lenè while others had admired her, for Damien's love was a competition and Lenè was sure to win. Maids in and out of the house had thought Lenè had been through some sort of abuse, but she denied it as the maid tried to get her to talk, if she hadn't been abused they found it suspicious a 17 year old girl would act like a mother to 9 kids, and she would leave with her Father, stay in Hotels around the World with him, how could you not find that suspicious?


He had slept with a prostitute every night for hedonism. He had felt as something was missing from his life.

"Get off", Damien said. "Why is there something wrong"? He had been exhausted from his day, longing to see his daughter's face. "No", he replied, sitting himself up. She gave him a clueless look while he put on his underwear on, "I'll quit", she said , while covering herself. "Quit what"? "We've seen each other for a year, and it's just----

"Leave me, I want nothing to do with you from this forward". He had finished dressing and reached for the door, as she followed him with her teary eyes, she wrapped her arms around his waist "Please, don't go, don't leave me here", she pleaded. He grabbed her arms pushing her off, shutting the door behind him. The sound of muffled sobs were like a sweet song to his ears it was almost like he had become a child again listening to the sobs of his mother. But as he walked away he still had a look of dissatisfaction on his face, he had opened the car door, thoughts only about which prostitute he'd see tomorrow, he never thought about Lenè because she'd flood his thoughts, so it was better to deal with her when he got home. As he pulled into the driveway, joy filled his face, as he saw Lenè at the door holding something in her hands. Exiting his car, he walked closer, smiling he saw a book, one he had written: "I love it, Father".

He smiled, "Ah, it's time for your studies".

She smiled back at him" Of course, Father".

They entered the house together, Damien shutting the door behind them. Damien took off his tuxedo leaving his white shirt and tie on, grabbing the bottle of wine out of the fridge, setting it on the counter grabbing two wine glasses as Thosa snuck into the living room. "Daddy", she spoke softly as she rubbed her eyes.

She had startled him "Go back to bed Thosa".

Lenè had entered the room and grabbed Thosa tossing her up in the air, she had giggled "Off to bed with you", Lenè had a wide smile on her face as she put down Thosa for slumber and she had come back to see Damien in tears."Father", she said. He had wiped his tears as she headed towards him. She had wrapped her hands around him as he did the same "I've been sleeping with prostitutes instead of taking care of you, how can I be called a man"?

"You've raised us since your twenty's, you saved us and we are forever grateful, I am grateful for you, it must be hard having 10 children to look after, but you're not alone, I love you, Father".

He poured a glass of wine for her, turned on the television as she lay on his chest. As the channel flipped to the news he covered Lenè's eyes. "Lenè would you grab the children".

"Why, Father".

"What I'm about to show you might scare you, would you still like to see".

"Yes, Father", she said uncertainly.

He uncovered her eyes and turned up the volume showing people back to back with crust around their eyes, and tears appearing to be blood coming out. They were dead, blood everywhere, Lenè ran to the bathroom and vomited as Damien followed holding her hair back." I told you it might scare you, why don't you listen", he whispered while Lenè finished vomiting.

She wiped her mouth "I'm so sorry father, I thought I could handle it". She washed her hands thoroughly as Damien did the same, he then grabbed a box of gloves and surgical mask from the cabinet under the sink. He put the box on the counter "Have each of the children take the gloves and mask, we leave in 30 minutes".

Each child awoke to the horror of the TV on, watching the Living and Decaying bodies of the people infected with Scarlet Death or Virus Mongrel as the news would like to call it. Each child grabbed a mask and gloves, sitting in the living room when they finished for they looked for their big sister for answers. But there was no time for questions nor answers, Lenè put the children in the back of the SUV one by one, she shut the door and ran back inside watching Damien sit in the living room eyes glued to the TV. "Did you know about this before you got home, Father, and will we die"?She panicked.

"Lenè do you trust me"?

"Yes, Father but the children are scared I'm scared-----

Damien gave her a glare, as he turned off the TV, walking up to Lenè, he grabbed her face and whispered: "Are you scared now".

"Scared of what", she asked in confusion. He pulled her face closer as he did a million times before, as she had smelled the wine in his cold breath, he had pressed his lips onto hers, his tongue sliding across hers, exchanging saliva. He pulled back "We broke the rules, exchanging bodily fluids and no physical touch, you should be proud".

He left for the front door leaving her stunned, her head spinning, her heart beating fast, the room spinning until she collapsed.