Lenè held Raya , and sighed of relief, glancing around seeing no one with visible symptoms of the virus. Damien grabbed Lenè's shoulder "So do you even know where you're going Lenè?"
Lenè pulled herself away from Damien and brushed his hand off of her shoulder. She avoided eye contact, and payed more attention to Raya.
"Mr. Demayò! Welcome to Geneva", a blonde hair girl stood next to Damien.
"Oh, Hello Alice", Damien had immediately spoken in Swedish, kissing Alice on both cheeks.
Alice giggled and blushed like a schoolgirl "You flatter me!", she grinned.
Alice immediately gave her attention over to Lenè "You must be that girl from South Africa Mr.Demayó adopted, he must of really liked you", she spoke in Swedish directly at Lenè.
Lenè smiled and surprised Damien in an instant "I do not remember the details but yes I was told that I caught his eye almost immediately, although I do miss South Africa", Lenè spoke in Swedish almost fluently.
Damien looked at Lenè "I never taught you Swedish, how did you learn?" He switched back to English.
Lenè signaled all of Damien's children to follow her as she walked passed Damien, taking all of the children to use the restroom, Ignoring Damien yet once again. Damien now wanted Lenè's attention.
Damien smiled as if he accepted Lenè's challenge. "Alice!", Damien yelled.
"Yes, Mr. Demayó what can I do to you?", she tried to speak in English. Alice stood next to Damien as they watched Lenè tend to the children.
Damien raised a brow as Alice caught her mistake.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Mr. Demayó have I said something wrong? I was just trying to practice my English", she had spoken in English again.
Damien laughed, speaking in English once again "Ah. It's fine, really it is. But can you do me a favor and take care of the children as of now until the way there, after all you are here to help, are you not? Please fetch Lenè for me".
Alice nodded "Understood", she spoke in Swedish.
In an instant Lenè walked over to Damien and stood in front of him, still giving him nothing but amplifying silence.
"Lenè, you need to spend less time with the children", Damien smiled.
Lenè's face began to turn red, as she started to hyperventilate.
Damien showed worry in his voice "Lenè are you okay?"
In an instant as everyone in the airport was quiet, they were interrupted by a loud sound, it had sounded as if a ruler had broke and the sound has amplified 10 times more.
"Mr. Demayó!", Alice yelled at the top of her lungs.
Lenè had slapped Damien with a firm slap across the face. Her hand was still in the position she had used to deliver such force.
Lenè had tears streaming down her face.
"I don't want to be your child anymore if it means hurting the others. You are their Father and you should act like such! Stop treating me any different! You hurt me by hurting them don't you see?! They had no one! No one! Until they met you. The pain I gave you is what they all feel when they are hurt by someone they have loved. So do not try to speak to me unless you can prove that you truly, deeply, love your children!"
Damien turned his head at Lenè, everyone had watched as he had blood dripping from his nose. Lenè had an overwhelming sense of fear after she had slapped Damien. She quickly turned and grabbed the children acting as calmly as she could. Raya had suddenly devolved a newfound respect for Lenè as Alice secretly loathed her, as she tended to Damien's wounds.