Lenè sat in Dr. Kisluve room "It's been awhile since I talked to you Lenè, how are you?"
Lenè looked down at her feet "My bad..sorry for asking ", Dr. Kisluve spoke.
She looked at him and started to cry "I think there's something wrong with me…"
Kisluve sitting in his office chair rolled over to her, he hugged her as she sat on the edge of the bed crying. "You can trust me", he whispered.
Lenè hesitated "I was in quarantine and then selfishly he wanted to be with me even though he had to care of the kids, who aren't my kids.. but I feel like I have that responsibility at 19 years old and even before that. He hasn't been treating them right… but he risks his life and stay with me in the quarantine cube. We started getting along better then, I finally asked him about my birth mother and then I felt like a horrible daughter and that I needed to repay him some way, he's my father, adoptive or not… I shouldn't feel like that regardless, I feel like I could have handled that better but I- I don't know", she cried.
Kisluve gave her a look of concern " I've only met you twice and when it comes to you Damien is possessive and obsessive. When you were twelve and when you were eighteen, at twelve I thought he was overprotective, at eighteen he was being obsessive, you asked me a medical question that intrigued my interests after the convention Damien took you too, you were skeptical about if I put drugs in the wine…
Lenè giggled a bit sniffling. Kisluve continued "We had a nice conversation and I wished I could talk with you longer but Damien screamed for you in the hallway and was about ready lose his mind. I heard the conversation in the hallway with you and him and it hurt my heart, he isolated you, it's like he kept you in quarantine your whole life, so maybe he manipulated you to feel that way Lenè, that's why he dosent pay attention to his other kids. He takes pride when the other doctors talk about you in a Romantic way because he knows he's the only person you're ever going to have."
Lenè ranted about Damien and Alice's encounter then looked at Dr. Kisluve "Thank you for listening to me."
He stood up slowly as Lenè heard Devan cry "I'm adopted too Lenè, just let me know when you need to talk, I'll understand somewhat."
Before Lenè left she kissed Dr. Kisluve on his cheek "Thank you again."
Before she closed the door she peeked at Dr.Kisluve holding his cheek looking a bit flustered.
She giggled a bit then walked over to Damien's room where she heard Devan cry.
She picked him up and talked to Devan "Oh no, you need a diaper change!"
She walked over to Damien's bathroom searching for the diapers, as she searched in the drawers she found a box of unopened condoms, handcuffs, and empty bottles of prescription pills."
Lenè heard the door crack open, Damien approached Lenè "Lenè… please talk to me… please."
She looked at him with anger in her eyes, she threw his unopened condoms and his empty medicine bottles "Oxycodone! You have to be fucking kidding me… Oxy of all things, and then you wanted her to get fucking pregnant, when you can't even take care of your own children."
She couldn't control her emotions anymore she started crying out of anger .
Damien watched her tremble "I never meant to scare you, it's just for nerve pain baby I swear."
He tried to approach her " I don't want you to end up like them.. I don't! I…
She tried to breathe but she couldn't, Damien had never seen her act like this way.
He let her breathe for a second "Oxy isn't good for your bipolar disorder", she calmed down but still cried.
Damien smiled on the inside, he was amused that she was so emotional about him. He walked towards her and closed the bathroom door behind him . Lenè backed away from him "Please…"
"I'm not going to hurt you, I would always let you have a choice about your body."
He grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed her hands on the towel rack. She was speechless, Damien kneeled down "I need us to talk Lenè, I just have a few questions to ask you."
"What if I don't want to talk", her tears still fell down her cheeks.
He sat down on a stool, "Why is it every-time when I get close to you, you distance yourself from me?"
Lenè looked at him with a look of mental exhaustion "Every time I feel like a bad daughter, I always have the urge to repay you in some way, when I can't emotionally it turns into…
"Physical Affection for me", he finished her sentence.
He remained silent knowing she had more to say "I just can't raise all these kids, you have to be a father to them just like you were a father to me… and I know they're hard to handle but you're having a kid of your own soon. As much as I despise Alice you need to be a good father and significant other to her."
Damien chuckled "Mm, I don't love Alice-
Her immediate response was laughter "Maybe Thosa would have had a chance of living if you weren't so busy getting your dick sucked."
Damien leaned back against the counter, he opened the drawer with the handcuff key and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and Devan's diaper.
"Are you envious of her?", he asked.
"I need to change Devan's diaper", Lenè tilted her head to the left unknowingly undoing her hair.
"I'm not letting you leave until you answer all of my questions."
"Okay, what's your biggest question", she asked.
"Back in quarantine did you…
"Yes, Father. I liked your touch, no I don't want to do it again, yes you are a horrible father to your children, yes I know your hand shakes when you need sex, no I don't know the backstory to that, and keep me out of the situation between you and Alice, and no I have never had sex with Dr.Kisluve", she spoke rather fast and finally ran out of breath.
"Let me go", she avoided eye contact.
Damien looked at her "Fine, Lenè, do as you wish."
He finally un-cuffed her, Lenè gave Damien a blank stare, and stumbled until she fell on Damien's shoulder, he felt her forehead.
"A fever again…", he sighed and gently put her in his bed and put his pride aside for once "Dr.Kisluve!", he yelled.
Dr.Kisluve ran down the hall "Yes, Damien."
"Please take good care of my Daughter for me, I need to tend to my fiancée".