Chapter Eleven: Bonds

Chapter Eleven: Bonds

He calmly jumps off of a tree, dodging many balls of lightning scattering through the air. Wundah swats three of them with a single swing, they fall like flies. There's a trail of them, all are trying to protect their crippled King. There's hundreds of them, but they are no match for our furious Adventurer who is determined to get revenge. The Elder Lightning Ape knows why the Adventurer is here, it's filled with fear. It knew one day he would come for revenge, and so much time has passed. It is filled with fear, seeing his kin fall to the floor like a heap of dry leaves, it has enough. It roars, telling the rest to scurry away. The Lightning Apes leave slowly, a few refusing to abandon their King charge and face meaningless deaths. The Elder musters courage and rushes at the Adventurer. Wundah jumps in the air, "Fuck you!" He swings his sword so fast the Elder doesn't know what happened as the teeth lodge in it's head. It goes limp and twitches on the floor. Items appear in his inventory as Wundah sheathes his sword and stares at the dead Elder, "Piece of shit." He exhales again, "Well what now?" Wundah kicks the Elder's face and then walks off into the distance with his hands in his pockets.

It's been six years since the Adventurer first logged on with his friends. His journey has been a long one, a lonely one. The massive body of the Elder Mammoth Dragon falls with a crash onto the sand below. Wundah pulls his sword from the brain, flings the blood off, runs a Sharpening Stone over it once and sheathes his sword. Items pop up in his inventory, but he couldn't care less. It's been so long since he's even used a Health Pill.   

He sees flames in the distance and jumps down to get a closer look. Three young Adventurers are being chased by a massive God Level Elder Fuzzy. Their faces are full of panic as they run towards Wundah, "Help us please!" One of them yells, they all have Long Swords. One stops to fight the Elder as his friends run away.

In his mind Wundah has flashbacks, memories that haven't crossed his mind in years, his whole adventure in this game. He remembers his friends who have long passed, he looks down at his necklace full of Faza claws and rubs it, remembering the meaning behind it. As if he's forgotten he looks at it once more, he's been wearing it every day, he must have gotten so used to it that he forgot why he wore it.

He grips his sword and rushes toward the Elder. As he passes the frightened Adventurers he smiles and gives them his Health Pills. He blocks the claw that is about to hit their friend and pushes the Elder back with a vicious swing. Wundah knows what is next, he knows what he has to do. He tosses the sword at the friend who was fighting the Elder, Wundah takes off his necklace and grips it in his hand, "Run! Take my sword and protect your friends! Live on and be brave!" Wundah shoots a smile and rushes towards the Elder as the Adventurer runs toward his friends, slowly dragging the sword. Wundah dodges its claws as he sprints with lightning speed. The three Adventurers stop and look back, "Who is he?" One asks the friend who sets the sword down.

He gently runs his hand over the blade, "An Elder."

Wundah jumps in the air as the Elder flies up. Wundah shoves the necklace of claws in its throat as the Elder unleashes its Supernova attack. They both fall to the floor, the Elder goes limp. Wundah's consciousness goes dark as the three Adventurers try to give him a Health Pill. His vision goes black, the words 'GAME OVER' are all he can see. It's the end of his story.

Footsteps could be heard next to him, "Seems I made it in time. Heal."

End Prologue...