Chapter 8: Crowley Grand Arcane Academy

There was polite applause from the audience, the most enthusiastic of which originated from the still naïve and ignorant first-year students. Many of them were simply overawed by the presence of such legendary student mages, and didn't think there was anything sinister behind the elite academy's visit to our school.

I couldn't blame them. A year ago, I was in their exact same shoes. I had lost about a couple of matches, so I hadn't really earned my notorious reputation as a loser then, but even back then I wasn't deluded enough to think that I would become a representative of Jing Tian Magic Academy. Speaking of which, back then it was our representatives who accepted the challenge, and it took just two of the opposing teams' members to wipe the floor with our supposedly best and brightest.

That was quite the irreparable humiliation our academy had suffered.

The teacher in charge of the Crowley team stood up arrogantly and took over Director Violet's speech before the latter could back down. Director Violet looked stunned at his impudence, but he couldn't say anything and merely backed down with a scowl. Not because he didn't have the balls to reprimand the teacher for his rudeness, but because he was giving the guy some face as a guest and he was mature enough not to quibble over trivial matters.

"It is our honor to be here," he said pretentiously, spreading his arms in an exaggerated manner. "I am very grateful to Director Violet for inviting us here."

"If I recall, it was you guys who submitted the request to us, asking if you can come over." This time, Director Violet didn't stay silent. He looked amused when the teacher's face turned purple. Before the outraged man could say anything, Director Violet quickly cut in. "Students, may I present to you Teacher Aaron Gance."

Gance quickly adopted a smile and nodded as he turned back to meet what he thought were the adoring gazes of the students.

"It is a pleasure to be before you all today." He then stepped back. "But the guests of honor, of course, are my students. They have traveled a long way to visit you, and are eager to sit in your classes and watch how you learn…"

"Cut the crap," one of the Crowley students interrupted rudely. He was a guy with longish hair reaching to his shoulders, the strands dyed dark blond, and a bandanna wrapped around his head. He grinned, revealing what seemed like razor-sharp teeth. I shuddered when I saw him – he reminded me of a predator. "Let's get straight to the point. I want to battle already."

"Ah, yes." Gance didn't seem very put off by his student's insolence. If anything, his smile grew widely. "As tradition demands, the representatives from our school would like to exchange a few pointers with the representatives of your esteemed school."

There was a short silence, before Director Violet spoke up.

"We haven't actually selected our representatives for this year. Not yet, anyway."

"Oh? That's surprising." Gance raised an eyebrow. "I would have thought that an academy of your reputation and former glory would take the annual national tournament of mages a little more seriously."

The words former glory were clearly meant to sting, but Director Violet merely smiled good-naturedly.

"Oh, we are definitely taking the tournament very seriously. That's why we didn't rush the selection process. We want to make sure we are choosing the very best and most suitable students to represent us this year, rather than just reusing representatives from last year. Not only did a good number of representatives already graduated, we also want to extend the chance of participation to new blood and other students."

He rubbed his beard and winked at the audience.

"I'm sure there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons concealed within the many students of our academy. I want to ensure each and every one of them will get a fair chance. Wouldn't you agree, Teacher Gance?"

"That…that is…" Gance stammered, completely caught off guard by Director Violet's riposte. He tried to straighten himself and recover, clearing his throat audibly. "You are right, of course. That is a very wise decision. But don't you think it's a bit slow?"

"It's only the beginning of the academic year, and the first year students have only just settled in. The tournament might be just six months away…" Director Violet emphasized on the "six months" pretty clearly, causing Gance to flush slightly. "But I believe it is ample time to assess the students' abilities and make the selection carefully. We wouldn't want to rush the process when there is absolutely no need to and choose the wrong people to represent our school, do we?"

"That is true, but…"

"Eh?!" the yankee-like guy with longish blond hair rocked back in his chair, scowling. "So that means we won't be having a battle? Even after coming all the way here? How boring."

Director Violet raised an eyebrow at his rude intrusion into the conversation, but decided to let it pass.

"That might not be the case."

"Then hurry up and send someone to fight us! This is getting lame!"

"Stand down, Hal." To everyone's surprise, it was Cecilia Stuart who spoke up. Her voice was quiet, but full of authority, and it somehow reached everyone in the main hall. "Stop making a ruckus. You have gone too far. Don't forget that we are guests here."

The delinquent named Hal seemed to want to open his mouth in protest, but he caught the look on Cecilia's beautiful face and sat back down in a huff.

"Don't you think there is a problem with the way you are making a request?" Director Violet's voice grew sharp. Evidently he didn't think Cecilia Stuart's reprimand was sufficient. "If you aren't happy with the way things are done here, you're welcome to leave."

There was an ominous air behind his words, which caused even the insolent delinquent to turn pale and shut up.

Director Violet then turned toward Gance. "Did your academy not teach your students any manners? I was under the impression that Crowley Grand Arcane Academy is an elite school among the elites. Does that not apply to their attitudes when talking to their seniors?"

"I…I apologize…" Gance shot a furious glare at the defiant delinquent, but the gangly kid wisely did not mouth off. "Student Hal has some problems with anger management. We have been too lax with him lately, it seems. I will be sure to punish him when we return."

So that guy was the infamous Hal Gunther. I had vaguely heard of him before, but I wasn't very clear on the details. If I wasn't mistaken, he was quite the terrifying mage with a notorious reputation of toying around with his opponents and slowly, painfully torturing them instead of finishing them off quickly. Most students hated his fighting style and methods, and many of his opponents surrendered swiftly in favor of subjecting themselves to humiliating agony.

Well…it was none of my business.

"Anyway, you mentioned that you still intend to have your students exchange several pointers with the representatives of our school?" Gance pressed, trying to return to the topic at hand. The spectators were watching the exchange, bemused, and already more than a few were murmuring darkly at Hal Gunther's rude behavior. The guy was unnecessarily making himself enemies, but then again, he was so skilled that he was practically fearless and thus didn't care what people of his generation thought about him.

"Yes." Director Violet smiled and turned toward the spectators. "This year, I think I would like to change things up. As I said, I want to provide my students a chance to prove themselves. Therefore, I will be asking for volunteers."

There was a buzz from the crowd.

"A team of volunteers," Director Violet elaborated, his voice drowning out the murmurs in the crowd spanning 360 degrees around him. "Perhaps the representatives from one of the societies." He looked knowingly in his daughter's direction, where the Black Rose Society had gathered, and also shifted his gaze to include the other three Great Societies that dominated Jing Tian Magic Academy. "Or from anyone in general." He turned his glance to the rest of the students. "Anyone who puts on an impressive performance in this mock duel will of course have a much higher chance of becoming a representative of our academy this year."

Everyone began clamoring excitedly, whispering to each other.

"Did you hear that?"

"This is my chance!"


"I want to try!"

Around Alicia Violet, her members gathered to speak and discuss on who they should sent out. Surprisingly, Troy King wasn't present today. That guy was mysterious as ever.

"Excellent! Now we are talking!"

Hal Gunther was unable to contain his excitement and he jumped out of his seat, rubbing his palms. The spectators all fell silent when they saw him. Pointedly ignoring us, he turned to the rest of his team.

"I want to go first. Any objections?"

"None," said a thickset, burly guy who was almost two meters tall and looked like a mountain.

"Nope." A girl with short, shoulder-length hair shook her head.

"Go ahead," a handsome guy with short blond hair and blue eyes replied with a gentle smile.

"Don't trip over yourself," a dark-haired guy with thin eyes sneered as he folded his arms.

Cecilia Stuart regarded Hal Gunther for a moment, and then nodded in what seemed like resignation.

"You can start, Hal," she consented. Quite clearly she was the leader of the team, for everyone turned to look at her the moment she spoke. Hal Gunther himself had turned to stare at her from the very beginning, as if her opinion was the only one that matter. "But don't you dare bring shame to our Crowley Academy."

"Against this bunch of trash?" Hal Gunther burst out laughing. "I'll team-wipe them by myself. This, I promise you."

He then turned toward the spectators, waving his hand expectantly.

"So which of you fools want to be the first to challenge this great me?"

A long silence greeted him.

"No way in hell," someone nearby whispered. "There's no way I want to fight Hal Gunther."

"You've got to be crazy to challenge that guy."

"He's the cruelest combat mage in our generation. I watched a few of his matches. The sadistic bastard enjoys torturing his opponents slowly."

"I shudder just from watching his matches…that fucker is sick in the head…"

Evidently Hal Gunther had quite the notorious reputation, possessing a terrifying penchant for toying around his opponents and slowly flaying them layer by agonizing layer until they passed out or surrender in pain and despair. Even the elite mages in the four Great Societies of our school hesitated to step into the ring.

"Nobody?" Hal Gunther sounded mockingly disappointed. "Are all of you cowards?"

I caught sight of Alicia Violet frowning and taking offense to that. Just as she was about to raise her hand and stand up, Miranda Miriam hurriedly caught her and forced her to sit down. Her vice-president was aware of how dangerous Hal Gunther was.

Everyone else just looked away.

Sighing, I shook my head.

"Come on!" Hal Gunther taunted. "How are you guys going to compete in the national tournament if you're afraid of just a single person like me?"

"I will do it."

Everyone turned their heads in shock. I stood from my seat, my hand raised.