Chapter 67: Invitation

Fortunately for me, Feng Hai didn't stare at me for long. He was turning his gaze to the rest of the class, waiting for all the students to settle down. To my complete lack of surprise, there were plenty of students who were not supposed to be in this class, no doubt sneaking in just to attend the personal lecture of their idol.

After all, Feng Hai was practically a legend of our school. the founder and current leader of the Silver Wolves mercenary group, he had slain countless monsters and built up a glorious reputation as an invincible and ferocious warrior, as well as an honorable hero who saved many lives, often protecting the Global Federation from threats both within and without.

As the pride of Jing Tian Academy, he was a shining beacon, a bright light of hope and inspiration, a goal that all students here aspired to achieve.

Feng Hai appeared to be aware of that, so he said nothing even though the classroom was obviously overfilled. Shaking his head with a wry smile, he placed his hands on the podium and finally spoke up.

"Does anyone know why I chose to take over this class in particular today?" he asked. Everyone was caught off guard by the first question he posed, glancing at each other uncertainly. Nobody had a clue.

Then again, now that we thought about it, there was no other class Feng Hai would choose, unless it was an elemental class that focused on wind magic. After all, Feng Hai was famous for his combat magic techniques, and his fierce fighting style. He enjoyed getting up close and personal with his targets and slaughtering them with his curved sword.

However, it was Dong Fang Yue Chu who gave a completely different answer. Like many of the gatecrashers, he wasn't supposed to be in this class, yet here he was, sitting beside me, Harvey and Stan. I would have called him shameless, but then that also applied to more than half of the people currently residing in this classroom.

"I heard that Captain Feng is here on a mission, to recruit someone from this class?!"

Upon hearing his words, the students in class all became very excited, chattering enthusiastically to one another. To be handpicked and personally recruited by Feng Hai was no small matter. One could say if you joined the Silver Wolves mercenaries, you were pretty much set for life. Even if you quit, all other military organizations or mercenary groups would fight desperately to hire you. Such was the reputation of the renowned Silver Wolves that even Dad spoke of them with respect. As a side note, that was where I first heard about the Silver Wolves – from Dad.

For my part, I merely rolled my eyes. Yeah, right. Why would the Silver Wolves be here to recruit members? We were underage, so we wouldn't be allowed to join mercenaries anyway. We had to graduate from high school before we could receive a proper license to work for the military or mercenaries. Did everyone forget about that?

Glancing around, I caught sight of Alicia Violet in the far corner. She had also shown up even though she had taken this class before. I remembered how close she was to Feng Hai, especially when they conversed yesterday. I couldn't begin to guess what kind of relationship they had, but I recognized the infatuated expression she had when she looked at the older guy. Not that I blamed her. Feng Hai was extremely good looking. They were an excellent match.

It wasn't just Alicia. Harrison Reed, the president of Holy Saints Society, was also present, even though he should have taken all the combat magic classes. Obviously he was just as impressed by Feng Hai's credentials as everyone else. Not to mention, if he had the opportunity to network with such a legend, there was no way he would pass that chance up.

Feng Hai raised an eyebrow and chortled. Everyone fell silent as they turned to him expectantly. No doubt they were all expecting him to single out the person he had his eye on.

However, Feng Hai didn't. He merely snorted.

"Don't flatter yourselves. None of you are qualified to join the military, never mind my Silver Wolves." He paused for a moment and nodded. "I know several of you have the experience, and have accomplished several low-ranked missions, but trust me, you won't last ten seconds in a high-ranked mission."

A deadly silence settled upon the students and they hung their heads, their faces flushing furiously. I tried not to laugh. What were they expecting? For Feng Hai to single someone out? Maybe if this was a badly written web novel featuring a genius protagonist who could master any type of weapons and write revolutionary theories, then he would point at the guy and admit that he was here because of him. But such Mary Sues did not exist in real life. I had never heard of a high school students publishing academic theories regarding magic or battle tactics before. You needed the right credentials and qualifications to be published in academia – at least a Bachelor's degree – otherwise nobody would take you seriously.

"No, no. I'm here for another reason." Feng Hai's expression changed, and for a moment I had the impression of a monstrous visage looming over his muscular figure. Everyone in the classroom went very still, cold perspiration dripping down their faces. A few were shivering violently from fear as Feng Hai's aura oppressed and suffocated us. The Silver Wolves leader glowered at every student present. "What the hell is wrong with all of you? Have you seen the ranking of Jing Tian Academy lately, when compared to the rest of the schools in the Federation? This generation is laughably pathetic…can't even get into the top fifty, never mind the top twenty. And you still want to delude yourselves into thinking you're good enough for me to recruit? Don't flatter yourselves!"

His icy voice cut like a wintry wind, and the students flinched. As for me, I couldn't care less because the school ranking had nothing to do with me. Unless I became a representative, there was absolutely nothing I could do to affect the outcome of our ranking. The earliest I could reach that goal was probably next year, by which time it would be too late.

Still, I was slightly satisfied to see that I was right. This was more realistic. What kind of author just created a situation just so he could have his protagonist praised and recognized by a school idol in front of everybody, not just so that he could get praised, but also to spark jealousy in obvious rivals who would later try to kill him for no reason other than because he was the protagonist (the "trash" thing was a blatant and ridiculous excuse)?

"Your principal has been concerned with how the ranking of our once great Jing Tian Academy is slipping dangerously lower and lower. He is dissatisfied with the performance of the students and representatives of your batch. Therefore he called me, an alumnus, back, for one purpose." He swept his terrifying gaze over each and every one of us. "To whip you all into shape. To train you until you vomit blood and teeter on the verge of death. To make sure you become much, much stronger…so that you won't embarrass Jing Tian Academy again this year, and in the following years!"

Then he hopped off from the stage and gestured forcibly toward us.

"I'm heartened to see that so many of you have realized the danger, and have taken steps to address it." He smirked. "You made the correct decision to attend my class."

At present, dismay filled the expressions of all the students who had chosen to crash the class even though they weren't registered for it.

"This classroom is too small for this number of people. We'll be heading to the field. Be prepared." Feng Hai's grin grew wider. "I've promised Principal Violet that I will make you guys significantly stronger, and whip you into shape by whatever means necessary. You might hate me right now, but I guarantee that you'll thank me once all this is over. Now move it!"

At his bellow, every student flooded out of the classroom, as if a thousand demons were chasing them.



"I don't believe it…"

"That guy is a monster…Instructor Fei is a monster…"

"We're not going to survive this!"

Less than an hour later, over two hundred students (for that included the crashers) lay sprawled upon the vast green training field of Jing Tian Academy. A few of the students were throwing up, gagging and emptying the contents of their stomach. A few were unconscious, lying flat on their backs without moving. More were flushed red and trembling from the extreme exertion they were subjected to.

"Whoa…good thing your dad trained us, or we would be half-dead too."

Dong Fang Yue Chu had emerged relatively unscathed, compared to the other students. He and the rest of Ultimate Outcast Society had gathered on a corner of the field, forming a small ring. Harvey, Stan and Wang Fei also looked pretty healthy and energetic, compared to the ghastly complexions of our classmates.

"Looks like Instructor Fei also emphasizes on building a solid physical foundation too!"

Harvey was staring at me in awe. Dude, you do realize that it was my Dad and Feng Hai who trained us, not me, right?

Before I could point that out, I noticed Feng Hai looking in our direction. Uh oh…this was bad. I could imagine him coming over and saying something along the lines of "looks like you guys aren't tired enough from my training…seems like you can go through another round right now, right?"

While we were in pretty good shape compared to the others, that didn't mean we weren't exhausted. We had expended quite a bit of energy and our muscles were slightly sore – Feng Hai's training regimen was that brutal – but we just weren't as sick and on the verge of collapse like the others.

So I sprawled on the ground, pretending to be incapacitated and gazed wearily at the blue sky, admiring the soft, fluffy clouds.

"Okay, training's over. Go get some rest, and then head for your next class."

Feng Hai was not a monster, after all. He clapped his hands and issued an instruction, before turning away gleefully and disappearing. Everyone watched him in fear, and some began crawling away.

"I'm not attending his class ever again."

"Idiot! It's too late! What if he remembers us?"

"We'll just say we attended the wrong class by mistake! We're not even registered for this class in the first place!"

"…I think I'm out too…" Dong Fang Yue Chu muttered as he got up. "I can't endure this kind of training everyday."

I gave him a withering stare. "Seriously? You've survived my Dad's training. You can handle this just fine."

Personally I welcomed this training. It would definitely make me a lot stronger. I would be able to climb the ranks faster and participate in higher-ranked missions. Speaking of which, I should perhaps start looking at the higher-ranked ones for more prestige points. I wouldn't improve if all I did was hunt rank F and E monsters…

"Student Richard. That was quite the impressive performance you and the Ultimate Outcast Society put on today."

A clear and serene voice drifted from across the field. Looking up, I saw an exhausted Alicia approaching us, smiling despite her red complexion and trembling limbs. Despite her relationship with Feng Hai, he didn't let her off…no, probably because of their relationship, Alicia refused to slack off and let him down, and did her best to set an example for the others.

As expected of the president of Black Roses Society.

"Are you all right, President Alicia?" I asked, standing up to help her before she fell over. She nodded and accepted my help gratefully. For some reason, Dong Fang Yue Chu and my juniors were staring at me in astonishment. I stared back. "What?"

"Nothing," Dong Fang Yue Chu replied hastily.

"Wow…as expected of Vice-president Richard…impressive as always…" Harvey muttered under his breath.

"Thank you." Alicia straightened up and smiled warmly at me. "Actually, I was going to ask you for a favor. Richard, are you available this weekend? I'm hosting a party at my place."

Upon hearing this, the entire Ultimate Outcast Society gaped at her, our jaws falling so low they hit the ground. Dong Fang Yue Chu was the first to recover, shutting his mouth and nodding excitedly.

"Sure, there's no problem! His weekends are very free!"

"Oi, who are you to answer for me…"

Alicia's smile widened, and I trailed off. Seeing her so delighted, I would feel bad if I countermanded Dong Fang Yue Chu's promise, so I just sighed and nodded.

"Great!" Alicia was overjoyed. "It'll be on Saturday night, 7pm. I'll send you the details. I even have a surprise waiting for you."

"Um…can all the Ultimate Outcast Society come along too?" I asked. Alicia nodded without any hesitation.

"Of course! Everyone, you're definitely welcome to my party!"

"Yay~" the three juniors cheered enthusiastically.

As soon as Alicia left, Dong Fang Yue Chu turned on me, grabbing my collar. "You cunning bastard! Are you still trying to hide your relationship? She clearly has a thing for you! Didn't you see how she specifically invited you to her party?!"

I snorted. "Really? Have you seen the way she looks at Instructor Fei?"


I pushed Dong Fang Yue Chu's hand away. "Obviously I can't compare to Instructor Fei. He's a better match for her, so I would appreciate it if you don't talk nonsense and spread unnecessary rumors that might trouble her."

"Eh…I think you're a good match for President Alicia, Vice-president Richard," Harvey spoke up. I forced a smile.

"I'm grateful you think so, but that's not true. Anyway, we're all invited, so let's all do our best." I scratched my chin. "Maybe the surprise is an exhibition duel?"

Dong Fang Yue Chu tried to smack my head, but I dodged his hand on reflex. "All you think about is battles! Come on, you have such an exemplary beauty personally inviting you! Fight for her heart!"

"Er…" as much as I found Alicia Violet extremely beautiful and attractive, I wasn't that interested in romance. Probably because I was at heart a man who was over thirty and somehow I just couldn't reconcile with my current physical age and date a girl who was slightly over half my mental age. I didn't want the FBI to break down my door and arrest me. At the same time, sometimes I did feel like I was seventeen again, but right now my priority was improving my ranking and earning prestige points to ensure the survival of my society.

My eventual goal was to become a military mage like my Dad, after all…a full-fledged summoner who went around protecting people like a hero, fighting off monsters and demons. To do that, I needed to get into an elite university and successfully graduate from it…

Ignoring the "encouragement" from my fellow society members, I began trudging wearily back toward the main building. Already I was pushing the party out of my mind and thinking about my next mission…