Chapter 130: Meeting Again

The first thing I noticed when I returned to school the next morning was that Troy King was back.


"Richard! Good to see you again!"

Troy smacked me so hard I was sent sprawling on the ground. Damn it, the guy still didn't realize how strong he was.

"Sorry, bro," Troy apologized as he helped me up to my feet. "I got too excited."

"It's fine," I assured him while wincing. Bloody hell, did he get stronger over the period of time since I saw him? "Did you manage to find your brother?"

Troy scowled. "No. the bastard escaped. I thought I had him cornered, but he blew up an entire city to throw me off. While I was busily trying to rescue the civilians he dragged into our fight, he made his getaway."

"Holy fuck!" I swore. Troy's brother sounded like the worst motherfucker ever. "He WHAT?!"

"I know, right? He could have killed them, and I'm glad he didn't. But the reason he didn't was purely because he knew I would try and save them while letting him go." Troy's face was thunderous. "He was taunting me the entire time as I rescued a crying family from a collapsing building. I wanted to punch his face, but…I had other concerns at that time." He sighed and glared at his tightly clenched fist. "I can't allow people to die because of me and my brother."

I was vaguely aware that Troy's brother as an asshole of the highest order, who abused Troy when he was a child, but I wasn't sure of the details. And Troy wasn't forthcoming with them, not unless he was ranting, so I didn't ask.

"At least you saved them."

"No…not all of them." Troy's face was bitter. "After he escaped, he blew up the rest of the city and killed all those people I was unable to reach in time. I can still hear his damned laughter ringing in my ears, saying it's my fault all those people died."

"It's not," I assured him.

"Really?" Troy rounded on me. "If I hadn't gone after my brother, do you think they would have died? Would they have been dragged into my conflict with him?"

"Judging from what you told me regarding your brother…yeah. I reckon if you weren't around, he would have wiped out the entire city. At least you saved some of them."

"That's…" Troy trailed off. "…yeah. You're right. Sorry. And thanks."

"No need to thank me." I patted his shoulder. "Anyway, let's go to class."

As we both strode down the corridor, Troy suddenly stopped to stare at me, a grin spreading across his face.

"I heard, you know!"

"…heard what?"

"Hah!" Troy chortled as he smacked me again, but not as hard this time. "Don't play dumb with me! I heard that you joined Black Rose! We're now in the same society!"

"Oh, right. That." I nodded vaguely.

"After killing three rank B monsters too! That's quite the feat! You really got a lot stronger, didn't you?"

"…not strong enough."

Troy must have sensed my mood, for he nodded somberly.

"I'm sorry about your loss. It's a real tragedy that shouldn't have happened." He looked away guiltily. "Here I am, complaining about not being able to save a city, while you were there, unable to help your juniors…watching them get killed right in front of your eyes. That…that's not something anyone should have to suffer from."

That wasn't entirely true. I didn't witness firsthand Stanley Lee and Wang Fei getting slaughtered by the Crastrates. I arrived too late, way after they were killed, unable to do anything.

But I didn't correct Troy. Instead, I simply nodded.


"That wasn't your fault," Troy assured me, mistaking my sullen silence for guilt. Well, he wasn't mistaken. It was most certainly guilt. "You did what you could. And you succeeded in avenging them. I didn't."

"There's a difference between having the people close to you die and witnessing strangers die. They are both horrible, but…there's a difference."

"Of course, of course." Troy nodded sagely. "Sorry. I didn't mean to compare. I was just…"

"…trying to make me feel better. I know." I waved his apology away. "Don't worry about it. I'm just feeling a bit wistful when remembering them. I know it's already been a month or so…"

"Emotional wounds take a lot longer to heal."


We continued down the corridor, toward our respective classrooms in silence. Then Troy stopped and smiled at me.

"I'll see you in the training room later."

I nodded, knowing that he was referring to society activities. I watched as he headed in the opposite direction, and then I went toward combat magic class.


After lessons ended, I headed toward the Black Rose building as usual, getting ready for society activities. Harvey was following me, skipping cheerfully and humming.

The guy was always so happy. I needed to ask him what he was smoking. I could use some of that stuff.

Then he suddenly stopped.

"Senior Richard…that…"


I glanced in the direction he was pointing at. There was a girl lurking outside the school gates, peering inside nervously.

"What is she doing here?"

I recognized her immediately, courtesy of her long, silver hair, her sapphire eyes and pristine white dress.

She was none other than the Sword Saint of our generation, Kureha Franklin of House Franklin.

"Hey, Richie! What's up? Heading to the Black Rose building too? Hey, Harvey. It's been a while, hasn't it?

"Senior Troy! Yeah, long time no see!"

While Harvey turned around to greet the approaching Troy, I continued to stare in Kureha's direction. Not knowing her or what I was doing, Troy slapped me across the back in his usual friendly manner.

"What are you spacing out for, Richie?" he then raised his head to look in the direction I was staring at and caught sight of Kureha. "Somebody you know?"

"I haven't seen her before," Harvey remarked. Then he frowned, pondering thoughtfully. "No, actually I did. She looks very familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen her before."

"On television or the Internet?" I supplied helpfully. Given Kureha's status and title, as well as her belonging to House Franklin, one of the ten great families, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a celebrity. Harvey also brightened up.

"Yeah, you're right! She's someone famous, but I can't remember who!"

I guessed she rarely shows herself in public. Nonetheless, as funny as it was to watch her squirm abut nervously outside the school gates and attract curious stares from Jing Tian Academy students, a few of whom were approaching her because they recognized her, it didn't feel right to leave her in the lurch. I quickly cut in ahead of them and waved at her.

"Kureha. Why are you here? Are you looking for somebody?"

Kureha looked extremely relieved when she saw me. She nodded as she quickly approached me.

"Richard! Yeah, I need your help."

"What kind of help?"

It was only yesterday that I saw her, so I was very surprised to see her so soon. Didn't she say that she wanted to check on her sister?

While I was waiting for a reply, dozens of thoughts running through my mind, Kureha fidgeted anxiously.

"That's…" She glanced around and looked down nervously. "Can we go somewhere that's less open?"

"Sure." I nodded and stepped out of the school gates. Harvey and Troy followed suit, their curiosity overwhelming their manners.

"Aren't you the Sword Saint, Kureha Franklin?" Troy exclaimed, his eyes wide. "What are you doing here, all the way in Jing Tian?"

"Ah! That's who she is! I remember now!" Harvey's head was bobbing up and down excitedly, his expression bright in wonder.

She stared at them, and then at me. I shrugged.

"They are my friends."

"Oh, okay." She nodded. "Then I think it's fine. You probably will want a party."

"Party?" I repeated incredulously. "What for?"

"…my request." Kureha refused to be drawn on any further, and I took the hint when she gazed at her surroundings nervously. Lots of Jing Tian students were still watching us. I nodded and took point, leading her away from their intense scrutiny.

As the Sword Saint, it was natural that she would draw a lot of attention.

"How's your sister?" I asked instead as I led her to a nearby café. Troy and Harvey followed, and took their seats at the edge of a circular table after waiting for Kureha to sit. Ladies first, after all. I sat beside the Sword Saint, keeping my eyes on her. "Is she safe?"

"…that's what I need your help for…" Kureha's expression fell, and her fingers twitched. "My sister has been abducted. I need you to help me rescue her." She straightened up formally. "I am prepared to make this an official request and recompense you with the appropriate rewards." She then bowed her head. "Please…help me rescue my sister."