Chapter 205: Vermillion High

Shun Yin raised a hand and caught a drifting Sakura blossom that had fallen from the tree he passing by. Looking up, he glanced at the sea of pink that filled the entire district. The Sakura trees were in full bloom, imbuing the place with vibrancy and life.

Along the pink-splattered pavement, students wearing the distinctive uniform of Vermillion High were strolling toward their new school, chatting happily. The guys were wearing the standard black high school uniform so reminiscent of traditional Japanese schools whereas the girls were dressed in a more flamboyant sailor styled uniform with yellow scarves against a vermillion blouse and a dark brown skirt. The Vermillion High crest was emblazoned visibly across the breast pockets of both types of uniform, taking the form of a majestic Vermillion Phoenix that spread its fiery wings.

And no…even though I was about 200 chapters too late, it was time that people understood there was a difference between Asian phoenixes and Western phoenixes. Asian phoenixes did not have miraculous healing powers with their tears or whatever (you people have been reading too much Harry Potter) and they did not symbolize rebirth or resurrection. That was the Western phoenixes. Rather, Asian phoenixes were associated with royalty, loyalty and honesty, and sometimes benevolence and knowledge – all virtues related to ruling.

I should have realized that readers would confuse the two and assume that Asian phoenixes were the same as Western phoenixes, but I kind of took it for granted that people recognized the distinction. Sorry about that.

"Hey, why are you breaking into my origin story and speaking to the existences beyond the fourth wall?" Shun Yin asked before waving me away. "This is my turn, my flashback arc! We don't need no fourth wall breaking or meta-commentary here! Shoo! Go away!"

Sorry, Dad.

"I won't be your dad until like twenty years later! Now get lost!"

Anyway, the design of the crest was pretty cool, but the intention of using the Vermillion Phoenix (which again was different from the usual Asian phoenix – the Vermillion Phoenix was not associated with royalty at all, but rather was a celestial guardian that embodied the fire element…yes, I know it's confusing for non-Chinese readers) was not lost on Shun Yin. The Porter family specialized in fire magic, and the Vermillion Phoenix was the embodiment of fire element. So it was pretty clear right from the start that Vermillion High was under their jurisdiction.

"Just like what Master said."

Shun Yin nodded to himself, but he wasn't very bothered by the fact that the Porter family essentially controlled the school. He wasn't interested in politics. The only Porter he was interested in was Michael Porter, the hero he idolized and whose footsteps he vowed to follow, and Angelica, the girl he loved but knew he was unable to form a relationship with.

That was fine. Shun Yin didn't come here for romance and teenage drama. He was here to become stronger. Vermillion High was among the elite combat magic academies in the Global Federation, filled with talented prodigies and geniuses clamoring to join the top mercenary guilds and occupy the highest ranks of the military. Shun Yin was one of them, even if he had no interest in joining them.

Shun Yin only aimed to be a hero. An ally of justice. He intended to save the world, not to become famous or wealthy. Though, he had to admit, when he saw the crowd applauding and cheering Michael Porter all those years ago…

…it felt good.

However, Shun Yin was aware that Michael didn't do it to be adored by the crowd and the public. Like any true hero, he worked for the greater good of everyone. To save the world, not to win its affection and adoration.

Shun Yin wished to follow in his footsteps.


Suddenly, he sensed something hurtling toward him. Tilting his head to the side, he slightly whirled about and caught sight of a bottle of soda spinning past him and shattering on the pavement next to his feet. He scowled and glanced at the other students, but they were all staring at him and sniggering to themselves.

There was no way to tell who threw the bottle of soda at him. And it was clearly meant to hit his head and break, soaking him in coca cola…if he didn't dodge. Clearly someone was out to humiliate him.

"What a waste."

Glancing at the broken bottle and the spilled drink, Shun Yin shook his head. However, there was little he could do – it was pointless crying over spilled soda, as they said, and since it wasn't his drink or money, he couldn't care less what others did with theirs.

So he continued onward without glancing at the other students. A few of them looked a little disappointed or disgusted.

"What a coward."

"Is that the kid from the Miyamoto dojo?"

"His family name is Huang, right? Never heard of him before."

Apparently there had been some research done on him, but why they bothered to put in the effort, Shun Yin had no idea. Perhaps they were curious as to what sort of person was able to enroll in Vermillion High even though he possessed no connections or noble bloodline.

The truth was that he made it in here through his own effort.

"Admittedly, he has great reflexes. I didn't think he would dodge that."

"Come on…don't be ridiculous. If he couldn't even dodge that, then how did he get in our school in the first place? I can evade something like that with my eyes closed."

Ignoring the scorn and ridicule, and wishing they would stop staring at him, Shun Yin continued onward. He hoped he could reach the hall and disappear among the mass of new students as soon as possible.

"Hey, hey! What's this?"

Shun Yin paused for a moment when he heard the scornful voice. A group of high school students dressed in the same uniform as him were approaching. He frowned in puzzlement. He didn't recognize any of those guys, yet they were clearly heading toward him, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"Can I help you?" he asked calmly. The trio of thugs glanced at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Can he help us, he says?"

"What's the matter with him?"

"Is something wrong with his head?"

Shun Yin frowned and cocked his head for a moment, and then shrugged. Suppressing a sigh, he turned away.

"If you have no business with me, then I'll take my leave."

"Hold it!"

The leader of the group grabbed his shoulder roughly and hauled him back. Shun Yin decided to go along for now, allowing the assailant to pull and spin him around to face the trio once more. Keeping his expression neutral, he offered a reminder.

"The entrance ceremony will begin soon."

"Oh, this will be quick. We're just going to give you a welcoming ceremony of our own." The first guy cracked his knuckles. "It's something we give all country bumpkins who somehow sneak into our great, prestigious school by luck."

Shun Yin sighed, recalling his master's words. "Because I'm not from the Porter family or any of the affiliated clans?"

"Oh, so you do know your place!" the thug exclaimed in delight. "This will make things so much easier!"

"I'm sure it will," Shun Yin agreed sarcastically, but his tone was lost on the idiot.

"Let's not waste any time then! As you said, the entrance ceremony will begin soon!"

The lead thug immediately punched Shun Yin in the face.

…or tried to, only to find his fist caught in Shun Yin's hand. His face contorted in surprise and he tried to yank his hand out, only for Shun Yin to grip it tightly.

"What's the matter, Senior?" Shun Yin inquired with a polite smile as he applied more pressure. The thug's face paled as his bones began to make ominous cracking sounds.

"L…let go of my hand!"

"Why? I thought this was your own version of the welcoming ceremony. I really appreciate that you came all the way here to offer me such a warm and firm handshake."

"Ah…ha ha ha, yeah…just a handshake." The guy was squirming as beads of perspiration formed all over his face. "That's what this is…the handshake is done now. Can you please let go?"

"If you say so, Senior. Sorry if I mistook your intentions."

"No, no! You didn't mistake my intentions at all!"

The other two thugs were staring at their leader, baffled at the sudden turn of events. One of them reached out uncertainly.

"Qi Fu Ren, are you all right?"

"Of course I am!" Qi Fu Ren waved and nursed his hand grudgingly after Shun Yin let go of him. He turned away grumpily, suppressing the urge to swear under his breath. Trying to maintain some sort of dignity, he gestured for his followers to leave. "Let's go."


"Just go, okay?"

The first lackey obeyed, but the second couldn't help taking a swing at Shun Yin. The latter effortlessly stepped to the side and evaded his fist, and then he kicked out at the crony's feet, sweeping it out from under him.

"Eh? Whoa!"

"Watch out, Senior! You're losing your balance!"

Shun Yin placed a hand on the lackey's back and sent him tumbling head over heels onto the ground. The bully's face slammed into the floor, causing a bunch of Sakura petals to fly upward before drifting down around the poor dude and turning him pink.

"Are you all right, Senior? Here, let me help."

Shun Yin offered a hand, and without waiting for the crony to reply, grabbed his hand and pulled him up. The guy howled in pain as Shun Yin's fingers crushed the bones in his arm, sending red-hot agony shooting through his body.


"There you go." Shun Yin then slapped him so hard the guy nearly sprawled forward and blacked out. "Ah…you almost fell again." another crushing grip on his shoulder that brought the poor lackey to tears. "You ought to be more careful, senior."

"Y…yes. Thank you. Sorry!"

The poor guy was practically weeping. He staggered toward his comrades, the first underling quickly reaching out to catch him before he could fall from the agonizing pain.

"I told you to go!" Qi Fu Ren hissed, his face pale from fright. "You idiot!"

"S…sorry, Qi Fu Ren…"

Shun Yin watched the three of them go, and then shook his head with a sigh. It seemed that no matter where he went, bullies existed. Once again, he recalled what his master said. Seemed like he was right.

If they thought they were stronger, they would claim "survival of the fittest" and "strong eat the weak" and do whatever they liked. If they turned out to be weaker, they would turn tail and run, appealing to the stronger person's sense of justice and morality to avoid retaliation.

Revolting, the whole lot of them.

Shun Yin aimed to be a hero, so he wasn't going to enact vengeance on them or revolutionize the arrogant thoughts that ran deeply through the students of Vermillion High. He had better things to do with his time.

They weren't victims who needed rescuing, after all.


While he thought that, he suddenly caught sight of a blond guy waiting right outside the gateway to the main hall of Vermillion High. He was smirking and watching Shun Yin with sky-blue eyes, his handsome face smirking.

For some reason Shun Yin found himself immediately on guard, his intuition warning him of something. His hand automatically went to the hilt of his sword.


The blond guy raised his hand. The next moment, lightning sparked to life between his fingers before lancing out in a silver-white arc to crash against Shun Yin.

A roar of flames filled the courtyard, causing students to scatter. Electricity collided with fire, the resulting explosion causing the pink Sakura petals scattered all over the pavement to combust and blacken.


The blond guy looked impressed.


In contrast, Shun Yin was scowling. His hand trembled for just a second, his fingers gripping the hilt of his glowing sword tightly. Flames continued to wreath the blade, but now that the danger was over, Shun Yin relaxed and straightened up. Extinguishing the fire on his sword, he then returned it to his scabbard and glared at the guy.

The handsome blond guy merely gave him a smile before turning around and walking into the hall.

"…someone from the Porter clan, huh?" Shun Yin murmured to himself with a shake of his head. Sighing, he resumed his journey in the same direction, his gut churning. His earlier optimism fading, he chewed on his lip and glanced at his still quivering hand before clenching it into a fist. "Seems like high school life is going to be very interesting…"