Chapter 215: Complicated Relationship

The moment Shun Yin stepped out of the laboratory, the first person he saw was none other than Angelica.

"Lady Angelica." He bowed his head slightly. Trying to find something to talk about, he blurted out, "thank you for saving the girl earlier today."

"That was a really unsightly match," Angelica replied with a scowl. "Charles is letting the arrogance get to his head and now thinks he can do anything he wants. If I didn't do anything, he'll destroy the image of the Porter family."

Shun Yin said nothing. He was in no position to criticize the Porter family, given their status and background.

"Even so…why are you thanking me? It has nothing to do with you."

"No. But we commoners appreciate the fact that you will defend us when necessary."

Angelica's lip curled. "…commoners, huh? Is that how it is?"