Chapter 224: Experimental Duel

"How fitting." The female Assassin giggled, even as Shun Yin quickly stepped in front of Mei to protect her. "This place is a coliseum to test out the combat ability of summoned spirits in our dimension, did you know? I'm sure the higher-ups wouldn't mind if we carry out an unauthorized experiment. The data would be invaluable."

Shun Yin struggled to make out the silhouette of the new beast. It seemed impossibly human, just engorged to incredible sizes. A goliath with glowing red eyes and a mane of long, stringy black hair dangling from its crown. It let out a bestial roar as it stomped on the ground with one of its legs, cracking the concrete.

"We've been testing these spirits out against various Assassins, but that's not a fair experiment. After all, pitting these poor things against trained killers is just…imbalanced. We need more accurate data. This is a great chance to see how spirits fare against regular combat mages, the kind of enemies they would be facing more often."