Chapter 227: Fleeting Reunion

By the time Shun Yin and Glen reached the Porter manor, they were too late. The entire estate was ablaze, and they could see a lot of corpses lying on the ground. Some were smoldering from the flames, immolated by spells, but the vast majority of them had been slain through some other methods. Glen was somewhat relieved to see dead Assassins intermingled with Porter mages.

At least his family and the staff serving them had put up a fight.

Then again, Glen wasn't that bothered. Even though he was technically part of the Porter clan, the elders and the current leader had never treated him or his father as part of the family. He rarely interacted with them, mostly dealing with the servants and staff they dispatched to give him orders or assist him, but he wasn't very close to his cousins or relatives. Honestly, he didn't feel anything, even as he continued to see the death toll mounting up.

"We're too late."