Chapter 232: Breaking Through

Lionel Stuart blasted the gigantic Shaggrowth back with another wave of his sword, a blizzard of petals slicing through its misshapen mass. A little ahead of him, Yuan Dao Yue Guang punched through the bulk of Ying Bu Si's shadows as he advanced toward the desperately retreating Assassin, destroying his spells with sheer force.

Or Ba Qi, but you know what I mean.

The purple Ghost-type Soul Beast tackled the Vermillion Phoenix soaring high in the air, and Michael swung his sword, clashing against the blades of the Umbra Assassin who had summoned it. The two exchanged a flurry of strikes that sent sparks spiraling through the air.

"Go!" Michael shouted.

For a moment, Shun Yin didn't react. He was too busily engaging the Assassins in front of him to pay attention to whatever the others said. Then Glen and White Tiger smashed through the trio of Umbra Assassins attacking him, scattering them with terrifying lightning spells.