Chapter 243: The Angel of Fire

For a moment, Cronus wondered if he was mistaken. He was pretty sure that Huang Shun Yin had just unleashed his ultimate technique, but all the flames had vanished. It didn't make sense to him. Shouldn't his fire spell get more powerful?

Where did all the flames go?

Instead, all Cronus could see was a single sword, its blade blackened and smoldering. His instincts warned him that there was something terribly wrong with the sword, and that it was highly dangerous, but he wasn't sure why he should fear such immense fear from a little burnt blade.

For some reason, his throat felt dry. The temperature seemed to rise, the air shimmering from invisible heat. His lips cracked, the dried skin peeling off to reveal blood. He raised a hand to it, and began to rewind time to heal it…only for it to crack against after seconds of exposure to the current temperature.
