Chapter 245: Everything but the Rain IV

"And that's pretty much it." Dad grinned. "So, are you finally ready to go to the Soul King's Palace to get your Zhan Po Dao re-forged and begin your training anew?"

"…huh? What are you talking about?"

I gaped at Dad, not sure I heard him correctly.

"Did you forget?" Dad knocked on my head. "That blacksmith dude threw you down here from the King's Palace because he wanted you to know your roots. Otherwise you'll never be able to master your Zhan Po Dao."

"WRONG STORY! This isn't even a manga!"

I threw my hands up in exasperation, trying not to blow up and failing miserably. I didn't know whether I was angrier at myself for actually catching the reference. Granted, that was one of my favorite manga, what with all the awesome Shinigami and their Zanpakuto, but we would get into copyright trouble if I started mastering Bankai right here and now.