Chapter 259: Fated Meeting II

"Let me down!"

Despite her injuries, a punctured lung that caused breathlessness, and almost drowning in her own blood, Lilith Porter was still behaving feistily.

"I will once we are out of their reach," I assured her.

"Your help is unnecessary," Lilith told me coldly. "Even without your assistance, I could have handled them myself."

That wasn't what I saw, but whatever. Admittedly, her Hellfire Bear was immense and would have wiped the floor with those dudes if that shadowy assassin guy didn't backstab her. Actually, what the hell was she doing, allowing the shadowy assassin to sneak up on her like that? One of the tenets of being a summoner was to never let your guard down even after you completed casting your summoning spell, for that was when your opponent will work even harder to take you down when he realized he couldn't defeat your Soul Beast.

Not that I was going to tell her that, but whatever.