Chapter 269: Overkill

The expression on Ji Xuan's face when he saw over a hundred students descend upon him and his hired Assassins was priceless.

"What in the world…?!"

The ninja dude and his Assassin subordinates fought as best as they could, but no matter how powerful they were, they were still facing elite students about seven times their number, and they were overwhelmed in short order.

"Ji Xuan!" Charles Lacroix bellowed as he descended upon him, his blue and silver sword crackling with white lightning. "I am here today, to deliver justice upon you!"

The perpetuator's eyes bulged when he saw the Knight of Thunder plummet toward him, devastating energies crackling around him. Credit to him, he was able to pull out his spear and deflect Charles's weapon.

For only a moment, then he was hit by thunder and lightning, blown off his feet by the powerful sonic boom and deadly energies.
