Chapter 277: Historical Discourse

"I think your grandpa is calling you, Lilith," Uncle Glen told her before she could protest vehemently at his previous statement. She sulked and gave him a deadly glare before she stomped off in the direction of the study.

As it turned out, Uncle Glen was right. The moment Lilith hurried into Henry Porter's study room, the old principal casually directed her to help him brew some tea. He even instructed her on which tea leaves to use.


Lilith was fuming as she struggled with the teapot, and then began pouring hot liquid into a couple of small cups. By the way, she didn't bother to use any electricity – using her own fire magic, she boiled the tea manually herself. She frowned as she stared at the two cups of steaming tea, perplexed as a bead of perspiration ran down her face.