Chapter 279: Practice Matches II

Unlike Sexton's four girls and one guy (hence the name of their school), we fielded a somewhat balanced lineup. Dong Fang Yue Chu and Lily Liam, Craig Carlson and Sheila Scarlet, and me as three fire-teams. Well, I wasn't exactly a fire-team given that I was just one guy, so saying that our team was divided into three semi-independent units would be more accurate.

Thanks to the presence of girls in our team, we received several cheers as well. It was unfortunate for the ogling male members of the audience that our girls were already attached. They had no chance with either Lily or Sheila.

Not that the opposing team cared, being comprised mostly of girls. Only Gray Winters stood out as the sole guy in their lineup, and he could have any girl he wanted. He didn't seem interested in our girls, or the girls in his own team.