Chapter 289: March of the Dead

I shook my head in puzzlement. "Who the hell is Xue Tu?"

"The next leader of the Blood Slaughter Sect," Anastasia explained. Except that it didn't really explain anything. Seeing my bewilderment, Anastasia elaborated. "Um, it's a sect that practices blood magic and necromancy."

"Uh, I see." Actually, I didn't, but obviously there wasn't much else Anastasia could say. I couldn't expect her to give me the full historical background of the Blood Slaughter Sect and a list of its members, after all. "What are they doing here?"

"I don't know." Anastasia peered beyond the barrier, just as perplexed as I was. "But it seems that he intends to assault our position. For what purpose, I have no idea."

Not that it mattered. Anastasia wasted no more time on meaningless explanations. The enemy was here, and we were to drive him and his horde of Bog Ghouls off. She tapped the com bead in her ear and broadcasted across an open channel.