Chapter 304: The Fall of Troy

"You know, if Troy is taking part in the national tournament, we might just get first place."

Dong Fang Yue Chu was commenting while we strolled through the school courtyard. Most of the students were busily hurrying about, rushing from classroom to classroom. Many of them were hoping to get involved in the tournament in one way or another, but only ten students had been selected for it. The same ten who attended the exchange session with Vermillion Academy a few weeks ago.

Well, if Troy made it back, he might just nudge one of us out of the list. As the number one student in Jing Tian Academy, he would be our trump card. Unfortunately, he tended to take missions that kept him out of school for months at a time, completely out of communication. Fortunately, he always returned, so I wasn't concerned about him ignominiously dying in some random place. If anything, he had even more plot armor than me.