Chapter 316: Strange Logic


Zhao Zi Jun was gaping at the other guy from across the table. Well, not exactly. Hei Gui was actually framed within a holographic screen, his image flickering erratically. Zi Jun kicked the projector and the hologram stabilized, with Hei Gui no longer looking like a ghost, despite his name (Gui is syonym for ghost in Chinese).

"Did you not hear what I said?" Hei Gui asked, his lip curling. "I just told you to arrange for an assassination."

"No, no, no. I heard you just fine. I just think you're being stupid." Zi Jun was shaking his head in utter disbelief. "You think you can just order an assassin like going to a fast food restaurant, is it? That if you tell me you want someone assassinated, I can pull a professional killer out of my ass just like that, is it?"

"You're a branch member of one of the Ten Great Families," Hei Gui pointed out indifferently. "You have the means and resources…"