Chapter 319: Let Everyone Down


I hesitated for a moment, and then frowned.

"Um…you do realize that the national tournament is about to begin, right? Is this mission extremely urgent? Can't it wait until after the tournament?"

Kureha leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. A Machiavellian smile formed coldly over his pretty face, as if she had decided to take on the role of the bad person today. What the hell? Seriously? Why did she need to do that?

"Actually…no, it can't. I'm very sorry for doing this to your team, but we'll need you to pull out of the tournament."

"Then I'll convey my apologies as well. I'll have to reject the mission."

"Even though people's lives are at risk?" Kureha countered. She stared at me, but I returned her gaze evenly. "You are friends with the late Troy King, aren't you? Then you of all people should know how important it is to stop these fanatics, and the murderers they employ. To prevent the further loss of innocent lives."