Chapter 323: The Hei Clan

The next day, everyone split up for individual training. I went to a nearby park because I needed a vast expanse where I could freely summon my Constellation spirits. After practicing my summoning spells and reviewing what I already knew, I realized that I had taken a bit longer than expected, and that I was extremely famished.

"Oh…it's time for dinner."

Rubbing my stomach gingerly, I dismissed my Constellation spirits and departed the park. There were a bunch of onlookers who were staring at me with their mouths wide open, as if they hadn't seen Constellation spirits before.

"Mommy, mommy! Look! I want to ride on that giant eagle!"

"Daddy! That winged horse looks beautiful! I want to ride on that!"

"I want that teddy bear!"

"Cool! A tiger! Why is it so white?"

"Eh…that tortoise is so big!"

"Whoa! A lion! So cool!"

"Can I stroke the fur of that dog?"