Chapter 333: Samurai and Shinobi

"You…!" Rei's eyes widened when he recognized Anastasia. "Aren't you that Veneneum Sect Assassin who defected to the Silver Wolves?"

"Well…it was either join them or die…and to tell you the truth, the Silver Wolves treat me a lot better than my masters at the Veneneum Sect." Anastasia shrugged. "They have earned my loyalty rather than demand it, so I guess, yes. I am proud to have defected to the Silver Wolves."

"Bitch…" Rei narrowed his dark eyes. "You lack an Assassin's honor."

"What can I say?" Anastasa shrugged again. "The Assassins Guild lack compassion, treating us like tools. But…I realize that we aren't tools. Perhaps it's time that you guys realize it too."

"I have no intention of debating with a traitor." Rei flipped his katana about and rushed forward to stab her. Anastasia drew her own short sword and parried his strike. Even as her boots crunched against the ice and snow, she held her ground firmly against Rei's superior strength.