Chapter 336: Blizzard

The entire group stood on the ledge and watched as the horde of monsters continued to stampede forward. There were literally hundreds of them – Horned Boariceratops. No, seriously, that was their names. They had a horn at their snout, and another larger one jutting from their forehead. Getting impaled by those rank D monsters would hurt tremendously…assuming you survived getting stabbed and pierced by those massive and deadly horns.

"Phew, that was close." Theodore wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Good thing you spotted this cliff, Captain." Craig glanced and nodded at Harrison, who in turn smiled in my direction.

"If it weren't for Richard's flying Constellation spirits, it would have been difficult for us to scale the steep cliff wall."

"That's true," Pearl admitted with a laugh. "I was never good at rock climbing."