Chapter 345: Get Out!

Under the tutelage of Ryan Reynolds, I was able to learn ice magic very quickly. Well, I say "tutelage", but the mercenary in a red and black Spandex costume didn't really teach me anything. All he did was flip the books open and help me look at whatever page I needed to go to.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but it seemed like a week. According to my smartphone, it had only been five days. Time flew past when you were in a hurry, but fortunately, with no Internet, with absolutely nothing else to do, I could only practice ice magic. By the fifth day I had finally gotten past intermediate ice magic and was starting on advanced ice magic. I couldn't claim to have fully understood advanced ice magic, but at the very least I had some handle on it. Which was far better than what I could say for myself when I first entered the cavern.

At the end of the fifth day, Ryan suddenly snapped close the book I was studying.

"Okay, that's enough."