Chapter 349: King of the Dragons

I closed my eyes, even as I prepared to cast one last spell in defiance of the dragons that surrounded us. Draco manifested behind me, getting ready to fire his Thuban and nuke the whole mountain area. Even if I failed to kill all the dragons in here, I would at least take down a good number of them. A quarter, if I was lucky.

Rather than get killed by the dragons, I would much rather nuke myself with my own stragetic-scale spell.

"Sorry, Anastasia," I told her quietly. She stepped forward and held my uninjured left hand, despite still having poison magic wreathing her hands. Like me, she was readying herself for one final display of defiance. Even if she died here, she would at the very least turn the entire place here into a toxic wasteland. The soil around her was dying, the plants wilting from the sheer amount of toxins being pumped into the place. Even the dragons had to keep their distance.