Chapter 365: It came from 20,000 Leagues

When the stage began, all of us received a notification through our smartphones (good thing mine was waterproof, but even if it wasn't I had it enveloped in a protective field of my magical aura) right before the invisibility cloak wore off. I felt a tingle, and sensed that the cloaking spell had been lifted. Not that it made any difference for me.

There was no one else hiding in the sea with me. Smiling to myself, I began casting my summoning spells.

Above, battles erupted sporadically as teams or individuals encountered each other. Alliances were forged or broken, and pitted against one another. Unlike normal webnovels, they couldn't be bothered to single out a specific target and focus all of their energies into hunting him. I mean, they had better things to do with their time, and more imminent threats to deal with, rather than look for someone they couldn't find at the moment.