Chapter 367: What’s the point?

After the…well, nuclear winter, the stage was effectively over. Other than Ding Ke Po and me, there were about eight others remaining – the pretty skilled and powerful dudes who could survive Antares Zero.

There wasn't much else to say, seriously.

Striding through the frozen docks, I glanced around at the poor participants, almost all of whom were locked in ice. Cocking my head to the side, I sighed.

"I won't lie to you about your chances," I told them, and then smiled coldly. "But you have my sympathies."

With that, the stage ended after the eleventh remaining guy was taken out by one of the other eight guys, and we were all forcibly warped back to the Aurora City Hall right after that. Yay! I think.

"Richard! You did it!"

Thanks to being teleported right in front of my team, I found myself swarmed by them, buried under hugs and embraces.

"You maniac! You suicidal maniac! You actually did it!"

"That was awesome!"