Chapter 372: A Small Break

"How do you like Southampton City?"

After the qualifiers, all of the sixty-four teams who had made it to the knock-out stages were required to return to Southampton City, where the tournament would be held this year. We were given a week's break after all that fighting and competing, and Bu Fan wasted no time wheeling his sister out. Xin Chun was wheelchair-bound for some reason. Don't ask me why. For some reason, even though healing magic existed, she couldn't heal her own legs and still needed a wheelchair. Maybe her disability wasn't something that could be healed, or it was a curse rather than an injury/disability. I had no idea. Knowing the author of Versatile Mage, I wouldn't be surprised if Xin Chun turned out to be harboring a Divine Spirit inside her body, and thus the burden of carrying two souls inside one body was so great that she couldn't walk. I guess we'll find out after 1,000 chapters…assuming we ever get that far (most likely we wouldn't).