Chapter 375: Rescue Hostage

"You can go in the front, all guns blazing, then withdraw. Don't just stay there, make sure they come to you. I need you to lure as many of them away as possible so that my team can extricate your sister."

"Considered it done," Bu Fan said automatically, grinning malevolently. Then he blinked, a little startled. "Wait…your team? What team?"

"My Soul Beasts. The guys I summoned. I know they are extensions of myself, but I still refer to them as my team."

"Makes sense." Bu Fan nodded, and then he cracked his knuckles. I sensed the immense mana buildup as he began to cast his intermediate fire spells. The guy was now an intermediate mage…wait, wrong story. "All right, I'll begin right away."

"Wait!" I raised my hand and summoned a Constellation spirit that I had been preparing all this while. "Lupus will help you."

The gigantic wolf materialized beside me, growling. Bu Fan cocked his head to the side, staring at my new Constellation spirit curiously.