Chapter 378: Eve of the Knock-out Rounds

Bu Fan was finally released from jail after a couple of days, thanks to Sacha pulling some strings. As an aside, Rottsfield really was fired and blacklisted from the police force. I would pity him, but he totally deserved it. I still remembered how he beat me up and kicked me just to force a false confession from me. All so he could close the case early.

Bloody corrupted cop. I heard that he was even going to have to serve a jail sentence for a few years at least. All the false confessions and acquittals were happening now, across the Federation as a result of Rottsfield and his colleagues forcing false confessions and dishonestly imprisoning prisoners just so their job could be easier. It had become quite the scandal.

Not that I cared. The police had nothing to do with me now. I was more concerned with the upcoming tournament.