Chapter 385: Swords and Snow

I cocked my head to the side and slammed Bai Ri against Cain's sword, barely escaping getting my neck slashed apart. The sharp edge of Cain's blade cut the skin, but it was a shallow graze. All I felt was a warm trickle, but I could ignore the slight bleeding and counterattacked with Hei Yue. Cain's eyes narrowed and he parried the black blade while kicking out at me.


I managed to block his foot with a raised leg, but his attack still caused me to stumble back. Huffing, I slashed at him with Bai Ri – a desperate maneuver that bought me a little more time and forced him back. Cain flipped up to kick at my head after I deflected his sword to the side, but I succeeded in dodging that while replying with a kick of my own.

As we evaded each other's kicks, we whirled around and clashed, sparks flying as our swords crashed heavily against each other. Mana surged through our arms and blades before we sprang apart in a small detonation.
