Chapter 388: Toxic Tomb

While the tournament was going on, Anastasia floated in her stasis chamber, arcane energies stilling her life-signs and halting the rapid expansion of toxins within her body. Without the stasis spell, all the poisons in her body would have erupted and blown her apart from the inside out. It wasn't inaccurate to call her a ticking time bomb.

Fortunately, Glacia had managed to preserve her life by the thinnest thread, stopping all biological and magical processes within Anastasia's body before she could exceed the critical amount. It wasn't a complete cure, but it would buy the Silver Wolves enough time to search for a real one while keeping Anastasia dormant.

"Still nothing yet?" the silver-haired ice mage asked the entourage of healing mages who were busily working on analyzing the toxins found within Anastasia's body and trying to concoct an antidote or a serum to neutralize the poisons.