Chapter 390: Scorched Earth


I watched my opponents warily, aware that I was the only one in my team left. Harrison had collapsed, his body smoldering. He had taken that last spell meant for me, and despite his holy barrier, the combined efforts of our five opponents had broken through his defenses and finally fell him.

Yue Chu was lying somewhere else, unseen, along with Lily. Theodore was slumped against the wall, unmoving, his hammer a few meters from his hand.

We were already falling behind 2-3 thanks to our less than spectacular performance during the individual matches. And now the score was 2-7 because they had downed four of our members in the team match, with me being the sole survivo, and they still had five of their members standing.

"Do you surrender?" the opposing team captain, Harold Collainder, asked as he pointed his glowing sword at me. Despite his intimidating stance, he was clearly out of breath, sweat pouring down his pale face as he panted heavily.