Chapter 404: Battle Frenzy

"Awesome!" Harvey looked as if he wanted to stay and watch me crush the Frenzor Assassin (which obviously wasn't going to happen – I wasn't some God Mode Mary Sue who could win against a surgically enhanced superhuman killing machine so easily), but I shook my head and gestured for him to leave.

"Trust me, you don't want to stick around. You've done your job – a great job, at that. Leave the rest to us."

"You sure abut this, kid?" one of the mercenaries asked, still firing. The warrior beside him snorted.

"You don't recognize Richard? He's worked with us before – fought alongside Captain Brent, Redfield and Ana. He's reliable enough. Hell, he might even be stronger than several of us." he then grinned. "In case you forgot, he has a nuke spell."

"That's not going to help us much unless you want to wipe us all out along with the enemy…"