Chapter 422: Question of Morale

When it was clear that Kufa Van Peer wouldn't be breaking out of my Aboslute Zero spell, the commentator finally cleared his throat and announced the outcome of the match.

"My goodness! Is Richard really going it? Is he on his way to achieving a team-kill – against Saint Teresa Academy, no less?! How is this possible?!" He then suppressed his excitement. "Whatever the case, the match is clearly over! The winner is Richard Huang of Jing Tian Academy…again! Will Saint Teresa Academy be able to stop him?"

With the result of the match officially ruled in my favor and no longer beyond any doubt, I dismissed my spell and released Kufa from the clutches of my Absolute Zero. His frozen body slid out of the extreme ice and lay very still on the ground. It was only because of the boundary field that he was still alive, otherwise even his vampire body would have been completely destroyed by the absolute zero temperature.