Chapter 436: Yao Cai Mountains

"All right, people! Stay sharp! We'll be approaching the Yao Cai Mountains in 5 minutes! Lock and load, ladies and gentlemen!"

Brent was barking out orders to the mercenaries secured under safety hatches inside the transport bay of the hovercraft. Soldiers snapped magazines into their rifles, cocked them and then checked to ensure that their rounds were fully loaded. Other warriors double-checked their weapons, to ensure their Divine Devices were in good, working condition. The last thing a soldier wanted was for his weapon to lock up or fail him in the middle of a life-and-death battle.

"Who's the biggest badass in the galaxy?" Redfield yelled.

"The Marine Corps!" the mercenaries roared back. I did a double take at that. What the fuck? Were the Silver Wolves pretending to be Marines?

"That's right! We are the biggest, toughest and most badass soldiers in the universe!"


"Semper fi!"