Chapter 438: Stowaways

"What are you kids doing here?!" I demanded, trying not to sound too astonished as I glowered at the two stowaways.

"Uh, we snuck aboard the hovercraft and hid somewhere," Adrian explained, shifting anxiously. "In the cargo compartment. Good thing it was narrow, so we didn't have any problems securing ourselves. We didn't fall around too much."

Now that I looked at them closely, I could see a couple of bruises here and there. This is why you put on your seatbelt when in a plane, ladies and gentlemen.

"What I want to know," Feng Hai said exasperatedly as he strode over. "Is how two kids managed to sneak aboard our transport without anyone noticing."

"Um…by magic?" Adrian ventured timidly. I didn't blame him. Feng Hai looked as if he was about to explode, but I feared his rage was directed more at his mercenaries for allowing a lapse in security than the kids themselves.