Chapter 447: Infiltration again

As expected, both Adrian and Melina recoiled at the gruesome sight, but credit to them, they held their nausea or horror back with typical stoicism.

"Did everyone die?" Adrian asked, his voice clearly shaken despite him putting on a brave front. I shrugged.

"We'll find out."

Deeper into the facility, we came across survivors. The Dark Church members had pulled together and slaughtered the Barbaric Baboons that had escaped, gathering in tight knots and covering each other. There were very few Barbaric Baboons left, but they continued to recklessly hurl themselves at the solid lines of the Dark Church, gaining more casualties with each wave. At first I was surprised by their suicidal charge, but then I realized it was only a diversion. There was another group of Barbaric Baboons that were flanking the humans from the side, climbing along the walls unseen.