Chapter 460: School Days

As expected of a noble, wealthy district, the way to Saint Teresa Academy was paved with good intentions…I mean lots of money, and expensive marble. Evidently some famous architect had been paid millions just to design the exquisite-looking bridge and roads that wove through the suburbs, with neatly pruned trees standing on either side like silent sentinels.

Accompanying Melina to school, I watched worriedly as she gripped the straps of a huge bag, looking as if she was being weighed down by it.

"Melina, that looks heavy. Want me to carry that for you?"

"No…no need!"

The blond girl shook her head hastily and clutched the big bag to tightly her chest, looking a little flustered. Lady, I'm not going to steal your bag from you, you know? There's no need to be on your guard.