Chapter 463: Transfer Student

"Hey, Brother Richard!"

Adrian Stuart waved at me while I gaped at him. Close by, the sentries verified his identity, and finally waved him in. He skipped into the territory of Saint Teresa Academy and approached me. The crowd dispersed, now that there was no longer much of a commotion.

Apparently they were expecting some drama, where the guards would kick Adrian out of the school and perhaps even call the cops. Their expectation of such stupid entertainment (at the expense of others) was crushed once the guards confirmed that Adrian's visit pass was legitimate, and they were disappointed not to see any sort of drama. Good. They deserved to be disappointed. People did not exist to entertain them with their troubles.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question, mostly because Adrian hadn't replied. He grinned and gestured toward the main campus building.

"From today onward I am transferring into Saint Teresa Academy!"

"Huh? You are?!"