Chapter 476: Practical Examination

The practical examination consisted of a duel. While it might sound harsh, we weren't actually required to win in order to pass it. After all, that would mean only half of the student population would pass, not unless everyone miraculously scraped a draw with each other.

Rather, the assessment was based on how well we performed in the duel. Saint Teresa Academy tried to be fair by pitting students of similar ability against each other, so that both parties would get the chance to showcase their skills. Otherwise it wouldn't be ideal if one side got knocked out instantly by a far superior opponent. In the instances where it did happen, they would call for a retest for the unfortunate victim, scheduled on another day while everyone else had a holiday. As you could expect, nobody would be enthusiastic about spending the first couple days of their summer vacation on a retest.

"All right…so this is the venue for the exam?"