Chapter 486: The Weaver’s Festival

"Whoa…would you look at that?"


While Melina practically pranced around, Adrian followed, carrying several boxes of food. He chuckled as he watched Melina enjoy herself, whirling about as she took in the sights and sounds. On either side of them, people yelled from stalls and booths, eagerly hawking their wares and trying to win customers over.

Adrian smiled as he balanced the boxes of food, which included hotdogs, fried noodles, oriental pancakes and octopus balls. There were even cotton candy mixed somewhere in there, something that Melina particularly enjoyed.

"Is this your first time at the Weaver's Festival, Adrian?"

"Ah, yeah." He nodded as he followed Melina around. "We had a few festivals back in Southampton City, but it's nothing like this. We didn't set up stalls in the streets and launch fireworks."

"Ho…what sort of festivals did you have in Southampton?"