Chapter 500: The Black Swordsman

At first, I wasn't sure what I was seeing.

Quite clearly the enemy was human, as Xun Lian Jia predicted. His silhouette was shadowy, his body encased entirely in obsidian armor that was as black as night. What seemed like purple veins ran along the surface of his gleaming armor, glowing eerily with barely contained demonic power. In his gauntleted hands, he held a single sword that was also the shade of midnight, the point of its blade thrust down into the steaming lake.

He was literally standing on water.

His face was hidden behind a helm, yet I could see glowing red eyes behind his caged visor burning ferociously into us. Heaving up his sword slightly, he then slowly approached us, taking one deliberate step at a time. Just like a deity from the times of mythology, he was walking on water. Each step he took vaporized more of the lake, sending boiling steam jetting upward like volcanic geysers.