Chapter 503: He Who Rules the Battlefield

The black mana turned into a colossal conflagration of unending darkness that swallowed the entire field ravenously, much like a black hole devouring even light. This time, it even engulfed part of the lake, vaporizing the water and creating a new, steaming shore.

The Black Swordsman then lowered his obsidian blade. Dark mana continued to swirl around his smoldering for, and while he wasn't heaving from exhaustion, it was clear that the battle had taken somewhat of a toll on him.


He almost didn't react in time when I suddenly appeared, speeding toward him like a bullet. My black and white swords sliced through the air and nicked his armor, but he responded swiftly, his riposte almost smacking into me. Despite parrying his onyx sword with my crossed blades, I was sent hurtling several meters away.